So this morning we were on the bus from our house in Quepos to COSI, which is at the top of a long and winding mountainous road. We were just over halfway to school when our bus stopped, the bus driver said something and everyone but the Americans got off. We didn´t know what was going on, and thought either the bus broke down or that they were being kind enough to let us have the whole bus to ourselves. We all just sort of looked at each other and then silently decided that we should get off too. We then noticed that cars and trucks were backed up all the way up the hill and that everyone was walking. We just went with the flow and started to walk as well. Now remember this is not an easy feat, walking up a very steep mountain road when there is about 98% humidity. 10 minutes later and covered in sweat we passed a big rig truck stalled in the middle of the road blocking both directions of traffic. Most all of the students and quite a few teachers were about 15 minutes late to school and many of them were not happy campers at all.
Today after school we went on a canopy tour, which is zip-lines through the jungle. There were 12 lines with the longest one being about 1500 feet long. It was a ton of fun and one of the guides said that after the tour I should fill out an application to be a guide seeing I did such a great job. If only, right? We liked it so much that we set up an appoitment for next Monday to do it at night when it is dark, how daring of us...
What a fantastic thing you're doing. You are beyond adventurous (sp?). I really enjoy your blog!
Oh my! I love Costa Rica!! I loved the really long zip line over all the trees--wasn't that just awesome!! Oh, I wish I were there. Continute to have a WONDERFUL vacation...I'll try not to be too jealous. :D
--Kara Redder Noyes
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