My mother is demanding that I correct an an error from my last post and give more accurate information. I stated that she fell off her ATV on the rather difficult section, but in fact the ATV tipped over, spilling her from her seat and started to roll down on her until she stuck out her foot and saved her own life. She said that it was much more eventful and life threatening than the way I reported the incident by her simply falling off. Is that better mom?
After a lazy morning, where I ended up locking myself out of our cabina, we set out to do some canyoning. What is canyoning you ask? I wondered the same thing at first. Simply put, it is rappelling down a slot canyon that also has waterfalls. We went with the company Pure Trek which is co-owned by a lady from CA. It was a ton of fun and I wish it lasted longer. There were 5 descents and 4 of them had waterfalls. One of the guides told me I should apply, so it looks like I could easily stay in Costa Rica if I wanted to with job offers here at Pure Trek or at the canopy place.
Random July
2 days ago
Cheryl, I love your blog. I too have hopped on the bogging train, but am disappointed in mine now that I see yours. I started from the beginning and had no idea how really adventurous your life has been and! Your title is adventures and non-adventures but everything sounds like an adventure to me. I totally sympathized with the locking of the keys in the car in the middle of a busy day...doesn't that kind of thing always seem to happen at the most inoppurtune time??
I checked out all of your Costa Rica pictures and can not believe all of the amazing things you and your mom have done! Brad and I are say the least.
Oh, in the event that you haven't been DVR'ing the SYTYCD, Brad and I know them like the back of our hand, so call us if you have any questions. I would say whats going on but don't want to ruin the fun if you will be watching them when you get home.
Well keep on blogging! Did your mom tell you we will be hopefully coming in September? We look forward to seeing you then...even though you might be moved out, we will just have to come bug you at your new place. Oh, and my blogspot is if you want to check it out. I still keep up with flickr as well, but the blog allows me to be a little detailed, and also to keep up with the jones'. Like you, my friends pressured me into doing it :)
Have a safe flight back! Love, Holly
I hope this means that you'll be back to the good old U S of A soon. Do you see a trip to Utah in the future, perchance??
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