Who knew that taking a photo of a police station could be such a big deal? So I was out driving around in my car today, dark tinted windows up, wearing a black hoodie and bandanna on my face taking photos of public service centers for a project when some cop stops me.
Okay, I wasn't really wearing a black hoodie, it's too hot for that right now, and no I wasn't wearing a bandanna either, that would be plain silly, but yes I was taking photos of public service centers. I have an assignment called an Assets Map where I have to put together a folder of all the services offered around the school community that I teach.
Said cop, whose name I will not disclose, rolls up on me just as I'm lowering my nice Nikon D40 trying to get out of the stations parking lot, which is probably why he even noticed me in the first place cuz it's sort of big, and asks if I'm with the press. I tell him no, so he asks me to get out of the car and spread em'. No, not really, but that would have been funny if he did. He gets out of his car, walks over to mine and asks to see some ID. I tell him my story about how I have this assignment where we need to get photos and info about services in the community in which we teach. I drop the whole, "I'm a teacher at -------- Middle School," trying to sound legit, which I am. He asks if I know Deputy Carillo who is our Resource Officer and I in turn ask if he knows Deputy Hampton, our old RO from last year so that he can see I know my stuff. He proceeds to copy down my ID info and license plate number before letting me go.
Random July
3 days ago
Blonde, blue-eyed anglo....you'd make a perfect covert operative for a group I'm heading up. Care to join in the jihad?
I'm coming very soon! I will be visiting Disney again in Nov. The 4th-11th. So come and see me! We are going to 9am Sacrament here in Merced and then driving down. We'll be driving home sometime on Sun the 11th. I guess whenever the hotel kicks us out. We'll be stayin at the Desert Palms Hotel. Do you have my cell?
You seem to always have the best stories. Did you let you take the pictures, or did he take your camera? :) Hope all is going well. Are you at all effected by the fires? I have been thinking about you.
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