The Rancho Cucamonga Quakes are a minor baseball team that are located about 2 miles from my apartment. So Friday night when Kyle and I were deciding what to do, I remembered that the choir from the school where I teach was going to be singing the National Anthem at the game. We got there a little late and missed them singing but had no trouble finding them because the tickets I bought had us seated literally 2 rows in front of them. They all went crazy when they saw me and I heard my name being called several times throughout the course of the night.
65 middle school students can make a lot of noise and had I not known them they would have annoyed me like they did everyone else sitting near us, but they sure kept things lively. They were so full of energy that 4 of the girls got asked by the Activity guy to go down during the 7th inning stretch and dance on top of the dugout.

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