A- Attached or Single: attached to Kyle for 2 wonderful months
B- Best Friend: my sister would say that me and my mom are BFF's
C- Cake or Pie: German Chocolate Cake, a family birthday tradition
D- Day of Choice: Saturday
E- Essential Item: Chap stick, lotion and water (addicted to all three)
F- Favorite Color: Green
G- Gummi Bears or Worms: Sour Gummy Worms, although Sour Patch Kids are the best
H- Hometown: Riverside, CA
I- Indulgence(s): traveling
J- January or July: January, because it is the month of my birth:)
K- Kids: none
L- Life is not complete without: traveling the world
M- Marriage Date: to be determined
N- Number of Siblings: 2 younger brothers and 1 younger sister
O- Oranges or Apples: oranges
P- Phobias or Fears: fear of failure
Q- Quotes: "Shall we shag now or shall we shag later?" -Austin Powers
R- Reason to Smile: I have a job that I love, a boyfriend who is good to me and a healthy body
S- Season: Spring
T- Tag Seven: Blinx, Holly, Erika, Brooke, Emily Kikuchi, Emily Nelson, Amie
U- Unknown Fact about Me: I used to have my belly buttoned pierced for 3 years, and yes my mother already knows
V- Vegetarian or Meat Lover: I wouldn't say I'm a meat lover but I eat it and I love veggies
W- Worst Habit: I used to bite my nails in grade school but overcame that habit
X-X Rays or Ultrasounds: haven't had an X Ray since when I broke my arm in first grade, and had an ultrasound Nov 2006 when admitted to the hospital for a burst ovarian cyst
Y-Your Favorite Food: chips and salsa
Z- Zodiac: Capricorn
Random July
2 days ago
I'll get on it. Love the quote. I used to want to get my belly button peirced.
Wow, I had no idea about the belly button being peirced. I would never have guessed. I use to have two earing holes. Thanks for the fun facts about you. :)
regarding your "U": does your grandmother know? and why not spare the scandal and put your favorite uncles name there?
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