This past Saturday we packed up and headed up the mountain to Bear Mountain where we went snowboarding with my brother, his girlfriend, my sister and her boyfriend. They rode the chairlift all the way to the top while Kyle and I headed over to the bunny slope, seeing that it was Kyle's first time ever. I must say that the first 20 minutes were not pretty with Kyle falling every 3 feet. But that is to be expected the first time most people go. I clearly remember my first time and am amazed that I even attempted it again seeing how miserable I was and how hard it was. Seeing that I had to go to the bathroom and Kyle asked me to LEAVE, I left him to his own devices for about 15 minutes. When I came back he said,"Let's go on the chairlift." I questioned him but he was determined. He then proceeded to impress the heck out of me as he made his way down the hill falling only 3 times.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
7:38 AM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
11:31 AM
Tagged: ABC's
A- Attached or Single: attached to Kyle for 2 wonderful months
B- Best Friend: my sister would say that me and my mom are BFF's
C- Cake or Pie: German Chocolate Cake, a family birthday tradition
D- Day of Choice: Saturday
E- Essential Item: Chap stick, lotion and water (addicted to all three)
F- Favorite Color: Green
G- Gummi Bears or Worms: Sour Gummy Worms, although Sour Patch Kids are the best
H- Hometown: Riverside, CA
I- Indulgence(s): traveling
J- January or July: January, because it is the month of my birth:)
K- Kids: none
L- Life is not complete without: traveling the world
M- Marriage Date: to be determined
N- Number of Siblings: 2 younger brothers and 1 younger sister
O- Oranges or Apples: oranges
P- Phobias or Fears: fear of failure
Q- Quotes: "Shall we shag now or shall we shag later?" -Austin Powers
R- Reason to Smile: I have a job that I love, a boyfriend who is good to me and a healthy body
S- Season: Spring
T- Tag Seven: Blinx, Holly, Erika, Brooke, Emily Kikuchi, Emily Nelson, Amie
U- Unknown Fact about Me: I used to have my belly buttoned pierced for 3 years, and yes my mother already knows
V- Vegetarian or Meat Lover: I wouldn't say I'm a meat lover but I eat it and I love veggies
W- Worst Habit: I used to bite my nails in grade school but overcame that habit
X-X Rays or Ultrasounds: haven't had an X Ray since when I broke my arm in first grade, and had an ultrasound Nov 2006 when admitted to the hospital for a burst ovarian cyst
Y-Your Favorite Food: chips and salsa
Z- Zodiac: Capricorn
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
10:03 AM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
So yesterday I had to go to an extremely boring BTSA (Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment) meeting about helping ELL (English Language Learner) students, but two funny things happened that made the day entertaining.
- They are remodeling the building where the meeting was held and just happened to be working on the 4th floor bathrooms which happened to be directly over our meeting. This meant that for the about 20 minutes they were jackhammering the floor tiles making it absolutely impossible to hear our presenter who was standing 10 feet away and using a microphone. Good thing I don't get headaches easily.
- For lunch I went and got tacos and Horchata. As I was getting out of my car the Horchata spilled out of the bottom of the Styrofoam cup because the mail keys I keep in the cup holder had punctured through it. Good thing Kyle details cars and was able to clean up my mess.
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
8:21 PM
3 x a Winner
Kyle and I have this little competitive nature between us, which makes sports and activities fun. For example, he thought he could kick my trash at pool (and frankly I did too seeing that I'm not that great) but I somehow managed to win both games. And no he did not let me win because he was playing to win. Then there is the fact that we have now gone to play racquetball three times and each time I have won. Kyle can get a bit frustrated during play to the point where this last time one of his hits got me right in the eye. I fell to the floor in shock and couldn't believe the luck of the ball hitting me right in the eye. Kyle felt extremely horrible, as he should, but no worries because a few plays later I got him right in the eye. We were thinking we would have matching black eyes but nothing really developed, and I'm sort of bummed because I think it would have been funny.
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
7:55 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Brandin' Iron
Who doesn't love some good ol' country line dancing on a Saturday night? I sure do. That is why Kyle and I went to the Brandin' Iron last night and got down with our bad selves while doing the Electric Slide, Crazy Legs, 10 Step, Boot Scootin' Boogie and 2 Step.
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
12:05 PM
Motorsports Expo
When I saw a stack of tickets in the teacher's workroom with a sign that said FREE on them I snatched some of them up. Then when I actually looked at what event they were for I was even more excited. They were for a Motorsports Expo to be held Friday-Sunday at the California Speedway. Who knew I would be somewhat interested in motor sports? Guess that is what happens when your boyfriend grew up loving the sport.
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
11:51 AM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Dinner & Dancing
When I found out that my friend Brooke was coming down from Utah for the weekend I decided that us girls needed to get together again for dinner. Seeing that I've cooked more in the past 2 weeks than in the past 2 months, I figured why not do it again. So last night I warmed up some frozen lasagna, served garlic bread and salad and us girls had a great time from 6-10 pm eating, laughing, and gossiping.
After dinner Brooke and I drove 2 miles to my stake center where I surprised Kyle by showing up at the regional YSA dance. He didn't know I was going to come seeing that I was hanging out with my friends, but he was surprised and happy.
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
11:01 AM
I like surprises
Date: Thursday, 13 March 2008
Time: 2:30 pm
Location: my work
Phone Conversation:
Cheryl: Hey babe, what's up?
Kyle: Oh nothing, what you doing? Are you busy?
Cheryl: Um not really, it's passing period and 6th period girls are just coming in the locker room.
Kyle: Ya I know, I just heard the bell.
Cheryl: What? How did you hear.... Are you here?
So my 6th period class got a big kick out of seeing me hug and briefly kiss a boy who then proceeded to give me a single rose and some Sour Gummy Lifesavers. They were whoopin' it up with the comments and whistling, only making me turn more red than I already was.
Thanks Kyle for the surprise:)
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
10:54 AM
New Art
I've only lived in my apartment for about 5 1/2 months now and I am just now getting around to putting up some art work. Oh well, I got it done and I like it.
This is a collage of pictures taken from my travels or soon to be travels.
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
10:40 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Cooking x3
This is quite the miracle so I thought I would share with everyone, but within the past week I have cooked 3 times. Any of you who know me at all, know that I DESPISE cooking with a passion. I find it tedious, arduous and downright a chore.
This past Monday night Kyle was coming over after class so that we could go to the gym and I thought it would be nice to cook for him, plus I was starving and I had some veggies that needed to be used up before they went bad. So my roommate and I made some Chow Mein which was very tasty.
Then last night after running some errands Kyle and I came back to my apartment where I made roast beef, mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables.
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
7:13 AM
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Sea World
A coworker of mine had 3 free tickets to Sea World which expired Saturday, so guess where we went. Kyle's brother Cody was planning on coming with us but then had a work training meeting come up, which turned out to be a good thing because I got a call from my good friend Anne Hazen Lee, saying she was in San Diego area for the week. I couldn't be happier to see her and little man HAL while we spent the day at Sea World. Her 5 year old niece, Payton, joined us and was the best behaved girl I have ever met, and cute to boot. HAL behaved great as well and we all had a wonderful time.
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
6:50 PM
Saturday, March 1, 2008
I like surprises, giving and receiving them. So when Kyle and I planned to go to Disneyland Friday night I knew I wanted to surprise him with reservations at the Blue Bayou restaurant.

Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
8:02 AM