My dear Nauvoo friend, Sister Emily Ginn, returned from her mission in Taiwan. She had a 3 hour layover at LAX so I stopped by to see her and keep her company, while anxiously awaiting that last flight home. I learned all about her mission and the fun times she had and it was fun to watch her struggle for certain words in English:) I know she was a great missionary who worked hard and loved the people of Taiwan.
Random July
2 days ago
I didn't know that she went on a mission!! What happened to Janea?? How crazy!
What the heck? Like Anne, that was news to me! Welcome Home Emily. You're sure in the loop - thanks for passing it right along. That was the quickest mission I haven't kept track of in a long time :)
Way to go Emily. That is crazy that she is already home. You guys both look awesome!
How fun to have a special reunion in the airport! Too cute!
Young Sisters:
Sister Emily was sent home early from her mission due to conduct unbecoming of a representative of Jesus Christ. That is why it seems like her mission went so fast. It did, it was ended early.
By the way, sister Cheryl, I suggest you rid your website of the many bells & whistles. It is very slow to load, especially from here in Taiwan.
Pres. Nielson - Taiwan Taipei Mission
Okay, when I started reading your post I totally thought that OUR Emily Ginn had come to see you and I was totally ticked she didn't see me. Weird that there are/were 2 Emily Ginn's in the world!
Okay this is totally freaky! I forgot that you had TWO friends named Emily Ginn (eventhough my last name isn't Ginn anymore). She is adorable and served a mission! She is definitely making the name proud!!!
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