I love my job, I really do, but every now and then it is nice to have a day away from my students. Today was such a day as 4 of us 5 PE teachers went to a conference created by and for PE teachers. Good thing because I don't think I could have handled one more conference or development day where we talk about vocab or math strategies.
Okay, so I have to admit that I thought our presenter was a bit hokey at first as he started off with, "clap 3 times...clap clap clap. Stomp 3 times...stomp stomp stomp. Clap 3 times...clap clap clap. Stomp 3 times...you get the picture. But after doing some fun and easy icebreaker games and warm up activities it was pretty cool. One thing I came away with is the desire to teach/trick my students into learning square dancing. Our presenter did this is in such a natural organic way that it just might be feasible with my students, and fun to boot. Also, I have a much better understanding of the California State Standards for Physical Education and how to break them down. So thank you to my principal for shelling out the big bucks for us to attend.
Random July
2 days ago
I loved square dancing in school... you sometimes got to hold hands with the cute boy that would always steal your glue! Do you know what I am talking about? Let us know how it goes with your students!
I never had square danicng in middle/high school, but I took square dancing at BYU and loved it. I plan on doing it Dec 18 and will let you know how it goes. Maybe I will get some pics of them as well.
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