Last night my family and I made our newly acquired yearly trip down to Laguna Beach for Pageant of the Masters. Many SoCal residents are not aware of the this gem of an event, even I wasn't until about 3 years ago, even though it is in it's 75th year now. Pageant of the Masters takes place in the Laguna Canyon at an open air theater where they show famous works of art, set to music and script. The catch is that the people in the paintings are real people, who must hold their pose for 2 minutes or more. Works of art are taken from it's original size of about poster size and then re-created on a large backdrop or canvas. Real people are dressed up, have hair and make-up applied and then become apart of the piece. It's quite interesting and awe inspiring.
Random July
2 days ago
I SERIOUSLY hate you that you went to Pageant of the Masters. I learned about it at BYU and then was reminded of it when watching Arrested Development. I am so, so, so jealous. Boo.
Or you should come and be here for Thursday, Sept 20 and we could go to Muse. It would be amazing. Seriously.
oh the temptation!!!! i would soooo love to but i just can't miss 2 days of work. especially since i will already be missing 2 in november when i go to boston. i just looked muse up on ticketmaster and they play thur in az but friday in irvine,ca. why can't they switch those days for me?....
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