Only 5 of us were able to make it to Ooka's.

So tonight was a toss up between CPK and Olive Garden. Well, Olive Garden won and we were all pleased up until our server got switched on us. We started out our lovely meal with Miguel, who was polite, prompt and and soft on the eyes:) About halfway through the meal this skinny white boy with hair that looked dyed, fried and compromised came to our table and informed us that he would now be our server, as Miguel was now on break. Not only was his appearance a bit scary, but then he lingered a bit too long at our table if you know what I mean. It was just a little bit creepy. Overall we had a fabulous time and are a bit sad to lose one of the the girls as she heads up to BYU on Wednesday for Summer Term. We will miss you Brooke!!
Again only 5 of us could make it to Olive Garden this week.
P.S. I love my calling as 2nd counselor in the Stake Young Women presidency which allows me to be around amazing young women, those still in the program and those who have been out a year or two, and wonderful leaders I get to work with.
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