Saturday was a fun filled day with various activities. First I attended a bridal shower where the food was delicious but the gifts were lacking. I know I've stated it before in a blog and I'm going to say it again, bridal showers should be for the bride, NOT the house. The reception is the place for household items such as baking utensils, dish towels, and Tupperware, not the bridal shower, it is called a bridal shower for a reason. I felt bad for the girl because she has been living on her own for 3 years now and has everything she needs for the kitchen, bathroom and rest of the house, but she ended up getting more duplicates of what she already owns. Enough of my ranting......but just know, if you get an invitation to my bridal shower, your gift had better be sexy, slinky and seductive. I have all the cooking items I will most likely ever need, seeing that I have never liked to cook and never will.
I then attended the adult session of my stake conference, and sang in our branch's Relief Society choir. It was a good meeting but found a few differences than what I am used to. Each of the speakers had their talks completely typed out and read it pretty much word for word. This may seem normal to most of you but in my old stake the speakers, especially our priesthood leaders, would have an outline of what they wanted to touch upon, but spoke more by the spirit. They prepared their message, but focused more on preparing the messenger. It was just different and a tad bit less impactful to hear the talks read word for word.
After the conference a group of us from the branch decided to go to the Brandin' Iron, a country western line dance club. I used to go in high school Monday nights for teen night, but that was a good 10 years ago. We had a blast, I picked up on the line dances fairly quickly, and Tim McGraw look-alike cowboys are pretty easy on the eyes. I had a great time and hope to go back soon, but perhaps next time I will be able to get home before 2:30 am.
Random July
55 minutes ago
I can't wait to attend your sexy bridal shower!! You are too cute
The US version last night, but I like the Europe and German versions better.
I totally agree with you on the sexy bridal showers. And next time you go country line dancing, I want to come. It sounds like it would be a lot of fun. :)
I totally agree with the bridal shower gifts. You can count on me to bring some dental-floss-type outfit for your shower!!
I'll remember this for the future! :)
Well written article.
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