Two great things happened this past Sunday.
- I saw an old BYU friend. Hillary and family were on their way from Merced, CA to Disneyland and were able to meet up with me at church and then come over to my apartment for chocolate cake.
- One of the greatest shows started up again, The Amazing Race. I'm pulling for brother-sister team Azaria & Hendekea. Their names should win a million dollars in and of themselves, plus they seem nice so far... but I'm loving the fact that they have a crazy goth couple.

I can't believe we shared a spot on your blog with the freaky goth couple!!! I can't wait to watch the finale tonight. Who are you pulling for? I don't have a strong feeling for anyone- but I'm inclined to like Grandpa and Grandson. He did carry his Grandpa's backpack for him. What a good boy.
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