So Thursday night at midnight I found myself on a JetBlue flight sitting next to a Jew. A Hasidic/Orthodox Jew. A Hasidic/Orthodox Rabbi Jew. A very inquisitive, yet polite, Rabbi Jew. We ended up talking for about 1.5 hours about almost everything about the church, from tithing, to the Word of Wisdom, the temple, rated R movies, dating and marriage, missions, church leadership in the form of a prophet, apostles, seventy, to patriarchal blessings and family size. From him I learned about how food is prepared to be Kosher, the purpose and use of a matchmaker, particulars about worship service and about his family of 8 children. We finally took a break from gentle interrogation to sleep for a few hours. But as we were pulling into the gate I gave him a pass along card with the church's website, although he was a bit hesitant to take it. I told him I knew he was going to search more information on the Internet so he might as well go to the correct source. He took it and we went our separate ways.
Random July
2 days ago
If I'm looking to buy a Toyota, I don't go to to research it. Rather, I go to an objective, un-biased 3rd-party site like Consumer Reports or to find out more.
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