Monday, November 26, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
I am, I am!!
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
8:16 AM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Silly me, I was at the airport way too early, but with it being the day before Thanksgiving I wanted to play it safe. Wednesday morning I flew out to Austin, Texas to join my family who had flown out on Monday. My brother, sister-in-law, and adorable nephew live in Round Rock, which is where we are spending Thanksgiving.
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
9:25 AM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
San Diego with my Homies
A week off work for Thanksgiving is great, but is even better when you get to spend that week with friends and family. Sunday night a mission companion, Kaylynn, and her husband and child came down to visit. Monday morning we drove down to San Diego where we went to Sea World.
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
5:55 AM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Tag I'm It
I was tagged about a week ago where I am supposed to disclose 6 facts or habits about myself. Sorry it has taken me so long but here goes...
- I love going to the dentist. Really, I do. Who doesn't love having clean teeth?
- I hate, nay despise, to cook. But I love, nay enjoy, to clean.
- I have a passion for traveling.
- I am addicted to chap stick. Bonne Bell Lipsmackers the drug of choice for the past 10 years, but C.O. Bigelow Cinnamint Mentha Lip Shine from Bath & Body Works has been introduced to me recently.
- I can't stand listening to radio commercials.
- I don't like going to bed with dirty feet, so will clean them before hopping into bed.
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
10:26 AM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Friday, November 9, 2007
I'd always wanted to go to Boston and with the recent move of a friend to Beantown, I figured that time had come. So after my fascinating hour long conversation with a Rabbi, I landed at Boston's Logan Airport and was greeted by my good friend Teresa. The activities of the day included, but were not limited to:
Bunker Hill monument on the North side of town, where we found it to be very chilly.
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
5:25 PM
21 Questions...with a Jewish Rabbi
So Thursday night at midnight I found myself on a JetBlue flight sitting next to a Jew. A Hasidic/Orthodox Jew. A Hasidic/Orthodox Rabbi Jew. A very inquisitive, yet polite, Rabbi Jew. We ended up talking for about 1.5 hours about almost everything about the church, from tithing, to the Word of Wisdom, the temple, rated R movies, dating and marriage, missions, church leadership in the form of a prophet, apostles, seventy, to patriarchal blessings and family size. From him I learned about how food is prepared to be Kosher, the purpose and use of a matchmaker, particulars about worship service and about his family of 8 children. We finally took a break from gentle interrogation to sleep for a few hours. But as we were pulling into the gate I gave him a pass along card with the church's website, although he was a bit hesitant to take it. I told him I knew he was going to search more information on the Internet so he might as well go to the correct source. He took it and we went our separate ways.
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
5:02 PM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Vanessa Carlton
If ever you go to the Ivar Theater on Ivar and Hollywood Blvd, be prepared for the small and quaint venue. Such was the case last night when my mother and I went to a Vanessa Carlton concert. The lobby is about 5 feet deep and then you are in the theather which seats max 250. It was a great show with lots of soul, as this tiny little lady pounds on her piano and belts out tunes.
The show was opened by Graham Colton
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
7:16 AM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Visitors & Visions
Two great things happened this past Sunday.
- I saw an old BYU friend. Hillary and family were on their way from Merced, CA to Disneyland and were able to meet up with me at church and then come over to my apartment for chocolate cake.
- One of the greatest shows started up again, The Amazing Race. I'm pulling for brother-sister team Azaria & Hendekea. Their names should win a million dollars in and of themselves, plus they seem nice so far... but I'm loving the fact that they have a crazy goth couple.

Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
7:53 AM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
While meeting up for ice cream with a good friend Monday night, I found out abouta great event taking place today. Sister Julie Beck, LDS General Relief Society President, was going to be speaking in Glendora. I had nothing else going on from 10-12, so I was able to attend with my friend. Sister Beck was hilarious and spiritual, with wonderful counsel.

Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
9:43 PM
Spinning class and me don't get along
Friday morning I found myself rolling out of bed at 5:15 am so that I could throw on some workout clothes and meet up with my mom and sister for the spinning class at 24 Hour Fitness. This was probably my 4th time going in the past 6 years, and I still don't like it. My sister says she wants to start this Friday morning class as a weekly mother daugthers bonding time, but I'm not too sure about that. We shall see.......

Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
9:34 PM