Has it really been 1 1/2 weeks since I last posted?! I got really busy with work, then I got sick, then I got better and went out of town. My brother, sister-in-law, and nephew headed back to Austin, Texas, but we sure had a good time while they were here.

I got a nasty cold and even had to stay home from work for a day but was better by the end of the week, especially for my short weekend trip to Arizona. I went with my roommate and her two friends. The main purpose was to see the Dodger vs. Diamondbacks game and to visit friends and family. We didn't leave until 9:45 pm Friday night, arriving in Tempe around 3 am, but our gracious host was up and waiting for us.
My old BYU roommate, Emily aka Blinx, picked me up Saturday morning and we headed to Saguaro Lake where we went wake boarding with her family. Well, I should say I attempted to wake board, seeing I was unable to get up. I have tried it once before and even then I struggled. I think I should accept the fact that I will never be successful at wake boarding. Especially since my forearms were beyond incredibly sore for the next 3 days. You don't realize how much you use your forearms in everyday life until they are sore and every little thing hurts and is hard to do.
This is what it probably looked like from the boat the whole time I was in the water
Emily and me at Chase Stadium where the Dodgers lost:(
Me with the amazing Graves Family. I knew them in Michigan and now they live in Arizona.
Okay, my face/eyes kind of look creepster in our picture, but we both do look extremely tan, which is awesome.
your eyes do look a bit spooky, but your jaw/neck looks very slender.
you won't believe how sore my forearms were the entire week after wakeboarding. all the pain and i still can't stand up.
i'm still serious about your sister's camera.
Whatever, Cheryl, you look awesome and garaunteed you are more tan than me.
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