So I met up with a good friend for dinner tonight and we went to PF Changs. We had some yummy chicken lettuce wraps, sweet & sour chicken and beef with broccoli. Afterward we met up with her husband and decided to go to Pinkberry for dessert. I had recently heard about this place from my sister or sister-in-law, I can't remember which, and figured now would be as good a time to try it as any. WOW! It was good, in so many ways. It is frozen yogurt but in a simple, clean way. You can add fresh fruit like mango, strawberries, banana, kiwi, raspberries to it, or go the cereal route and add Cap n' Crunch, Fruity Pebbles, Coco Pebbles or various other toppings. The taste is delicious and the nutritional value is spectacular. Check it out and try some if you can.
After the frozen yogurt from heaven, we went and got a 5 minute chiropractic/back massage from a lady who works one of those booths. A second time tonight I was in heaven. It felt so good, especially after the exhausting 3 days I have had. I even signed up to go into the office on Tuesday to get a re-adjustment and massage. I have never been to a chiropractor so we'll see how it goes.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
10:48 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
So Sorry....
Has it really been 1 1/2 weeks since I last posted?! I got really busy with work, then I got sick, then I got better and went out of town. My brother, sister-in-law, and nephew headed back to Austin, Texas, but we sure had a good time while they were here.

I got a nasty cold and even had to stay home from work for a day but was better by the end of the week, especially for my short weekend trip to Arizona. I went with my roommate and her two friends. The main purpose was to see the Dodger vs. Diamondbacks game and to visit friends and family. We didn't leave until 9:45 pm Friday night, arriving in Tempe around 3 am, but our gracious host was up and waiting for us.
My old BYU roommate, Emily aka Blinx, picked me up Saturday morning and we headed to Saguaro Lake where we went wake boarding with her family. Well, I should say I attempted to wake board, seeing I was unable to get up. I have tried it once before and even then I struggled. I think I should accept the fact that I will never be successful at wake boarding. Especially since my forearms were beyond incredibly sore for the next 3 days. You don't realize how much you use your forearms in everyday life until they are sore and every little thing hurts and is hard to do.
This is what it probably looked like from the boat the whole time I was in the water
Emily and me at Chase Stadium where the Dodgers lost:(
Me with the amazing Graves Family. I knew them in Michigan and now they live in Arizona.
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
7:16 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Santa Monica
We took a family trip down to the Santa Monica Pier today where we saw some interesting things.
A juggling, balancing act
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
8:00 PM

Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
7:53 PM
For any of you familiar with the California education system, you will show sympathy to me as I begin the BTSA program. It just seems to be a lot of busy work exactly like I just did for my credential. I can't wait for the good times to begin......
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
7:42 PM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
BYU vs. the cheating UCLA Bruins
Saturday the family ventured down to Pasadena, where we put up with some horrible things. First, we had to deal with the mile trek from our parking spot to the Rose Bowl. I kid you not, we were about a mile away and had to walk for about 20 minutes. At least it was through a nice golf course and not some shady neighborhood or something. Then we had to deal with the horrible calls from the officials, that were all in favor of the cheating Bruins. If they had called them correctly, I guarantee the outcome or score would have been different. I suppose the pride of UCLA was more important to them than the possibility of BYU.

My sister Erin, my adorable nephew Chase, me and my dad
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
9:50 PM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Dodgers vs. Padres
Saturday some friends and myself headed down to San Diego to:
- cool off and escape the heat of the Inland Empire
- to see the Dodgers beat the Padres
Well, we were successful in our attempt to break away from the oppressive heat seeing that it was a good 10 degrees cooler in SD than the IE. But unfortunately our second goal did not come to pass, with the Dodgers losing 7-0. But there was a firework show afterward, which sort of makes up for the loss, but not really.
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
11:50 AM
Hot wedding
Sorry I've been such a slacker the past week, but I got busy or lazy, one of the two. So, last Thursday, 30 Sept, my cousin McKay got married in the Redlands temple. It was a beautiful event, except for the heat, which has been quite horrendous this past week.
Posted by
Cheryl & Kyle
11:48 AM