This is for my Nauvoo people out there. The other night I had a dream that we were going back to Nauvoo for a semester and we were all excited. That is until we found out that we would have to not only live in a pioneer city but also dress and live like them too. Yep, we dressed like we were back in the the 1840's, showered like back in the 1840's (or lack of shower), cooked, cleaned and basically lived how they early saints did while in Nauvoo. It was a hard adjustment but we did much better adapting than the new people who had joined us. And then I woke up.
I am grateful for the semester I spent in Nauvoo with an amazing group of young people who have gone on to do many wonderful things. Thank you for the many wonderful memories.

Where do I sign up?
Cheryl! So great to find your blog! What a dream! We were just back there for a few days and I totally missed it like crazy. By the way, they tore down the JSA! talk about devastating and ripping out hearts! Anyway, miss you!
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