Monday, May 28, 2012

Playing Catch Up

So I haven't been very good about updating my blog lately.  I don't go on for a few months and they go and change the whole set-up and feel of it. 

So...anyways, here are a few pictures of what I/we have been up to the past little bit.

Brian, Joan, Erin and Cheryl at Hip Cooks at The Brewery in LA.
 For Christmas my mom got us all a cooking class. 

The Roseners held a White Elephant/Birthday Party in February.
 The worst/best gift was Jones Soda Bacon Flavored.

My nephew Zeke celebrated his first birthday

I got to watch Zeke for a week during my Spring Break while my
sister and her husband went to Puerto Rico.

Kyle and I had a last minute date night to Balboa Island.

Some friends from the ward did a Photo Scavenger Hunt.  It was wives vs. husbands.
This is the girls team completing one of our tasks.