Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

So, yesterday was my mom's birthday.  I won't say how old she turned but I think she looks quite young, although Kyle did accidently try to make her a decade older with the number of candles he put on the cake.

We had her and the rest of my family up to our house for dinner and cake.
Happy Birthday Mom!


Holly and Brad said...

How fun! Sad we missed it!

Deanna said...

I love your Mom! Tell her happy late birthday for me. And congrats on buying a house!

Joan on Soul Train said...


Your mom is 51 for the record. Click on the link above for footage from Joan's younger days (I made a bday ecard from the old footage of her)

She was quite the diva in her day.

joanlauritzen said...

It was a wonderful dinner with wonderful company. I may be old but still young enough to find Kyle's mistake.