Armor Etch etching cream (not cheap)
Contact Paper
X-acto Knife
1. Cut contact paper to 8x11 size to fit in printer
2. On Word Document, use font and size you want and type up last name
3. Print document so that the ink is on the paper side of the contact paper
4. With X-acto knife, cut out last name (or whatever you choose to etch) to create a stencil. I found that doing this from the plastic side is MUCH easier than slicing from the paper side
5. Peel off paper and attach contact paper to bottom side of clean glass (name will appear backwards)
6. With gloves on, use a Q-tip to spread ethcing cream on stencil
7. Let stand for 10 minutes, then rinse off with warm water
Random July
2 days ago
Where do u but etching cream? and how expensive is not cheap? I am enrichment leader and have to do a super saturday-which I have never been to one, and I need ideas!!!
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