So I have two funny stories in relation to the title of this blog...
Story 1
Two weeks ago I was driving to work, somewhat faster than I should have been, but not excessively, because I was running a little late. When I look in my rear view mirror and see a police car. He pulls up next to me for a second and then takes off. Whew! Glad he is gone, when I look in my rear view mirror again and there is a second police car. Oh man!! Next thing I know I see red and blue lights, I'm pulling off at the next off-ramp and rolling down my too dark front windows, all as I'm hanging up on Kyle and throwing my cell phone in my purse, seeing that driving and talking on phones is not allowed unless you have a hands free device which I don't like to use.
The officer asks for license and registration and proceeds to read my name of my license as I hand it to him, but he says something way off.
"Ah, Murillo. I know some Murillo's. Ya, he was from Moreno Valley or something. Do you know him?"
I'm thinking to myself this copper is crazy cuz my last name sounds nothing like Murillo. But I figure I'll go along with his game and see what if I can get out of this.
"I don't know any Murillo's sir, but my cousin lives in Moreno Valley and he is Ontario PD. " hoping this will be close to what he is looking for.
"No, no. Someone else. Do you know anyone else?" the officer probes.
Alright I think, if he wants to play like this I'll drop some others. "well, my father-in-law used to be the Chief of Police for Fontana, and my brother-in-law is a Sheriff for Rancho Cucamonga."
He negatively responds, "no, that's not it either."
I'm all out of connections by this time and I thought they were pretty big ones at that.
He then asks, "where do you work?"
I proceed to tell him I'm a teacher at _______ Middle School.
"OKAY, That's It!!!" "Hey Sal!!!" the officer yells back to the squad car.
Then it hits me, Sal, who is our SRO (School Resource Officer) assigned to work at our school is there behind my car. He comes strolling up to my passenger side and starts laughing at me. He says he will vouch for me and that I'm lucky he recognized the car his buddy was pulling over.
Story 2
I took a bag of mesh vests home with me to wash seeing that they can get a little ripe after 5 periods of kids wearing them for soccer. I decided to throw in some of my clothes to make it a full load and thought to myself as I did so- Make sure to check the vests before taking them back to school.
Yup, I forgot to check them and as I was handing them out to teams to wear, I noticed one of my thongs I wear to the gym for working out tangled with a vest. I grabbed the knot of vest and thong and stuffed them into my pocket before anyone really noticed what it was, at least I think so. Wouldn't be too good if word spread on campus that Ms. L showed her thongs to her students:)
Random July
2 days ago