Last month I was able to attend the wedding of a dear friend in the San Diego Temple.
I think I will always remember this wedding because she called me at midnight the night before the wedding saying that they had forgotten the petticoat at home and they were already in San Diego for the night. She asked if I could stop by her parents house on the way down to SD, "break into the house", retrieve the petticoat and bring it to the temple. I did all of this with ease except getting there on time. On the drive down the I-15 through Temecula there had been a CHP involved accident that caused traffic to back up for 45 minutes. When we arrived at the temple, Kyle pulled up to the curb, I literally jumped out of the car and ran into the temple, where I handed the petticoat off to a Sister that was waiting for it. They quickly ushered me up to the sealing room and I sat down right as the sealer was beginning.
Cheryl & Brooke (Brooke wore her mother's wedding dress and looked fabulous in it) |
The reception was held at the Mission Inn in downtown Riverside and was gorgeous. I love it when LDS receptions are NOT held in a church building.