This post is a month late but I have been dealing with technical problems. We bought a new desktop a few months ago and my external hard drive was not syncing with it. So I bought a new 1 TB external hard drive, spent 2 full days of my Christmas break transferring 200 Gb of data, which included 40,000 pictures, from my old external to my new. Now I am ready to rock and roll.
Kyle served his mission in Texas Lubbock, so we decided to go back for a visit and spend Thanksgiving in Austin with my brother and his family.
Kyle and Cheryl at Texas Tech football game
Cheryl & Kyle at Lubbock Temple
With the Smith Family of Lubbock
Welcome to Texas
Sunset on our drive home
Total miles for the trip= 3249.2 in 10 days
Cadillac Ranch outside of Amarillo, Texas
Cheryl & Kyle at Cadillac Ranch
Kyle at Cadillac Ranch
Cheryl on Texas bench in Fredricksburg, TX
Cheryl at Rustlin' Bob's in Fredricksburg, TX
Cheryl in Fredricksburg, TX
Birthday boy nephew Chase at Chuck E Cheese
Nephew Tyson having fun at Chuck E Cheese
The Driskill Hotel in downtown Austin
Cheryl & Kyle at Old Settlers Park
Erin & Richie at Old Settlers Park
Kyle & Cheryl at Old Settlers Park
Cheryl, Joan & Erin at Old Settlers Park
Brian at Old Settlers Park
Cheryl & Kyle at Old Settlers Park
Chase with his new harmonica
Cheryl playing pool
Tyson playing with some motorcycles
Richie helping Chase with one of his birthday gifts