Monday, August 30, 2010

Magic Mountain

Yesterday we went to Mormon Day at Six Flags Magic Mountain and had a great time.  We even had perfect weather, which I was nervous about seeing how insanely hot the week had been.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Went to the island of Kauai in Hawaii a week and a half ago and had a great time.

Cheryl & Kyle at Waimea Canyon Lookout
At Spouting Horn, where we saw about 4 turtles

Cheryl & Kyle at valley that overlooks backside of Na Pali Coast
Cheryl & Kyle at Tunnel's Beach
Clark family picture at Waiohai, Poipu

Kati, Lolly & Cheryl

Larry, Cody, Kyle & Nick

Cheryl paddle boarding at Hanalei Pier

Kyle dressed up

Cheryl zip-lining

Family at Waimea Canyon

Kyle's Sexy Garage

When we first bought the house there was a 'band room' in the garage.

This is what the garage looked like during the demo phase
This is the wall primed and taped off
Here is one of the two aqua walls, our new bike stand (thank you Lowry's), and storage container holder uppers (thank you Ousley's)
The other aqua wall, with our new Rain Soft water filtration system next to the water heater that we just had installed (and are loving)
Shelves, Kyle's workbench and tool chest
Black metal cabinets and a free gun safe (thank you Lowry's)
Kyle had the floors epoxied with lots of flakes and even some automotive flecks that add sparkle